The Client Blueprint for a Smooth & Successful Partnership with DOJO Creative - DOJO Creative
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The Client Blueprint for a Smooth & Successful Partnership with DOJO Creative

Client Blueprint

At DOJO Creative, our mission is to bring your vision to life with creativity, strategy and technical excellence. But a great partnership is a two-way street, and our most successful projects happen when our clients come prepared and engaged.

Whether you’re a startup looking to build your brand from scratch or an established company ready to revamp your image with a new site or fresh branding, here’s how you can make the most of your relationship with us and contribute to a smooth, productive experience.

Clear, Timely & Consistent Communication

The foundation of any successful relationship is communication. We thrive when our clients are open, responsive and clear about their needs and expectations. Do you prefer email? Video calls or in-person meetings? Let us know what works best for you when scheduling time together. Maintaining timely communication for check-ins or updates helps keep the project on track and everyone on the same page.

Bring Your Vision to the Table

Even if you’re idea is still in its infancy, coming to the kick-off meeting with some vision or direction is invaluable. Whether it’s a rough sketch, a few inspirational images or a simple list of must-haves, your initial input gives us something to jump off from. If you have pre-meeting project materials, submitting them in advance or bringing them to our first meeting will help us hit the ground running.

Have a Realistic Expectation of Budget

Quality creative work requires both time and resources, and it’s important to have a clear and realistic understanding of your budget from the outset. While we always aim to maximize value and efficiency, design, branding and strategy aren’t quick or inexpensive. We encourage our clients to approach projects with an understanding that investing in professional, high-quality work is just that — an investment in the long-term success of your brand.

Ask Questions — We’re Here to Help

We believe no question is too small, too crazy or too technical. Part of our job is to demystify the creative process and educate our clients. If you’re unsure about something, just ask! We’re here to guide you through every step of the way and we promise there’s no tech-shaming in our approach. The more you know, the better we can collaborate. Additionally, if it’s a new website we’re working on together, your team will receive training from our staff once the site is live, helping you take navigate and take ownership of your new tool with confidence.

Thoroughly Review Proofs

We understand reviewing proofs can be time-consuming, but it’s a crucial part of the process. Take the time to review them carefully and consider all aspects of design, content and functionality. Clear and comprehensive feedback allows us to make precise adjustments and move the project forward.

Organize Your Digital Assets

Knowing who owns your domain and having your logins and passcodes ready for easy sharing can save significant time. This organization helps us avoid delays and keeps the project moving smoothly from the very beginning; it’s a simple step that makes a big difference.

Consolidate & Share Content Efficiently

The more organized and responsive you are with content (images, videos, copy), the better. We suggest compiling everything you have into as few exchanges as possible; this minimizes back-and-forth communication and the possibility of items being buried in a clutter of correspondence, helping us work more effectively on your project.

Streamline Revisions

Revisions are a natural part of the creative process, but to keep the project on schedule, try to consolidate your feedback into one round, if possible. Though different project parameters allow for additional rounds of revisions, this approach helps us make all necessary adjustments at once, rather than spreading them out over multiple iterations.

Timely Payment

Financial transparency and timeliness are essential for us. We typically ask for half of the payment upfront and the remaining half upon project completion. We accept various payment methods, including ACH, credit cards, checks and cash.

Excitement & Grace

We understand embarking on a creative project can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. We ask for your patience and grace, especially in the early stages. Things take time, but we’re committed to getting it right. Your positive attitude can be a big motivator for our team and helps set the tone for a collaborative relationship.

Keep Scheduled Meetings

Life happens, and schedules can change, but. sticking to the planned meetings as closely as possible is essential for maintaining momentum. If a meeting needs to be rescheduled, let us know as soon as possible so we can adjust accordingly and keep your project on track among our other commitments.

Give Us Time to Work

Creative processes take time. We ask that you allow us the necessary space to do our best work. Setting realistic timelines and expectations from the outset helps both parties have adequate time to see the project through to completion.

Respect the Process & Embrace Change

Every project is singular, and sometimes the creative process requires adapting and embracing new ideas. We ask that you remain open to change and trust our expertise. We’ll always explain why we believe a particular direction is best, and we value your input in making final decisions.

Think Long-Term

While it’s important to address immediate needs, we encourage our clients to think five years ahead. Future-proofing your brand or project saves time and resources and also makes sure your investment today continues to pay dividends down the line.

Connect with DOJO Creative Today

By following these guidelines, our clients can contribute to a smoother creative process and help us deliver the best possible results for long-term success. Ready to get started? Reach out to DOJO Creative partner Doug Elder at 574-276-4998 or  for a consultation today and set the stage for your business’s future growth.