What is Digital Marketing? The Simplest Guide in the World
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What is Digital Marketing? The Simplest Guide in the World

You’re looking into ways to market your business in 2019, and it’s clear that marketing has gone digital. What are your options? How can you use digital marketing to grow your business?

You don’t need an entire master class on digital marketing – and, as a business owner, you don’t have the time. So, here’s the simple answer to “what is digital marketing?” 

What is Digital Marketing? 

Digital marketing is an umbrella term, encompassing all the marketing that takes place online. It is any marketing effort on the internet. 

But what is digital marketing, for a business owner? The point is to increase your website traffic, resulting in more sales, leads, or clients. It provides the outreach tools with which small businesses can grow and succeed. 

How Does Digital Marketing Work?

Digital marketing works like a funnel. It draws in leads at the large top-end, and those filter into conversions on the smaller bottom end. The first thing you need, in order for the funnel to work, is a website.

Your website serves as the home base or headquarters for your business marketing in the digital world. All your online marketing efforts are meant to lead users to your website.

So, if you’re one of the 6 in 10 businesses that doesn’t have a website, there is nowhere for potential customers to find you online.  

Your custom website is the launching pad for all your campaign efforts. And with that, you can launch a campaign, using a combination of digital efforts and tactics. You can read more about any of these tactics – but, for now, let’s keep it simple:

Content Marketing

At the top of the funnel, is content marketing. And, as the saying goes, ‘content is king’. So, users go to the internet to find information, and they find it in the form of digital content.

Content includes blog articles, videos, social media posts, podcasts, infographics, and more. The content you publish provides value to your audience, and it’s what gets your business’ name ‘out there’. So, the more content you publish, the bigger your funnel – and the more traffic it will bring to your business.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is structured around user actions. It exists for 2 purposes: To provide value to your audience, and to guide users through customer experience issues. It is not connected to social networks. Your email marketing sender list is an individual and valuable asset. 

Transaction emails follow up with users after an action is performed, such as support requests, password resets, and more. Content emails connect users with the latest news and posts. And, conversion emails guide users to perform a specific action, like donating, buying, or signing up.

So, as you can see, Content marketing and email marketing are the backbone of digital marketing. Together, they create value for users and grow your user base.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is commission-based advertising for a third-party, like Amazon or Uber. Your content links to an affiliate product or service page. And, for every click or conversion, you get a commission.

Digital/Online Advertising

Online advertisements are just like print advertisements, except, the promotions are digital infrastructure. There are just about as many places to advertise on the internet, as there are places to go on the internet. The most popular channels for online advertisers include Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and Youtube.

The upside to online advertising is that you know it will be well-positioned to generate leads. The downside is it can be pricey, depending on the niche your business targets. Organic content marketing is a better value and more effective in the long term for generating leads, but the results are not as immediate. So, that’s what you pay for with online advertising.  

Automated Marketing

Automated marketing uses Client Relationship Management (CRM) software to streamline client communications. It is an applicable tool for all other digital marketing efforts.

An automated campaign can include many efforts, over many channels, using many different tools. So, automated marketing provides tools to tie all these facets together.

When your content post, email, or advertisement brings in a new lead, a CRM automatically initiates correspondence. Correspondence, for example, like a “thanks for buying” email, or notifying a sales associate to make direct contact.

Final Thought

This super-simple guide should give you a clearer view of what goes into a digital campaign. And, through these tactics, digital marketers use online networks to target a larger audience and spur business growth. Utilizing these tactics is one of the best ways to help your business succeed in 2019 and beyond.

Digital marketing is, just, marketing – for the digital age. If you want to start using digital marketing tactics to grow your business, contact DOJO for a free consultation.