Why Businesses Should Send Representatives to Trade Shows - DOJO Creative
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Why Businesses Should Send Representatives to Trade Shows

Trade shows are one of the more engaging events in the business world, where company representatives can showcase their products, witness the latest industry innovations, network with peers and generate valuable leads.

Assuming travel is smooth, trade shows can also be a quick refresher, getting the rep out of their comfort zone in a potentially different city with new sights and culture to explore while away from the show.

DOJO Creative partner Doug Elder recently attended Automate 2024 at McCormick Place in Chicago. This event is the largest robotics and automation exhibition in North America, attracting a wide range of professionals and businesses on the cutting edge of engineering. Doug’s presence at the event helped DOJO Creative connect with potential clients and put him in proximity of a breaded steak sandwich from Ricobene’s — a win-win for the former Chicagoan.

The Benefits of Attending Trade Shows

Networking Opportunities

Trade shows provide an in-person opportunity to connect with industry leaders, potential clients and other businesses under one roof. These connections can spur partnerships, collaborations and new business opportunities that might not be possible through other channels.

Lead Generation

One of the primary reasons reps attend trade shows is to generate leads. Face-to-face interactions allow for more personalized and meaningful conversations, helping to build trust and interest in your products or services.

Brand Visibility
Participating in a trade show can significantly boost your brand’s visibility. Being present at industry-specific events positions your business as a key player in the field, 

Market Research

Trade shows offer a firsthand look at what competitors are doing and provide insights into industry trends. This info can be valuable for refining your business strategy and staying ahead of the competition.

Showcasing Products & Services

Exhibiting at a trade show allows you to demonstrate your products or services directly to your target audience. Live demos can effectively highlight the benefits and features of your offerings, with an improved chance of making a lasting impression on potential customers.

Essential Trade Show Materials

To maximize the benefits of attending a trade show, you must be well-prepared with the right materials. Here are some essentials to consider:

Business Cards

Despite the digital age, business cards remain a vital tool for networking. A well-designed business card (Paul Allen anyone?) can make a strong first impression and easily provide potential clients with your contact information.

Rack Cards & Brochures

These printed materials are perfect for relaying detailed information about your products and services. Rack cards are usually two-sided, single sheets, while brochure pages are typically printed in multiples of four.

Banners & Table Skirts

Your booth should be easily recognizable amid the flash of fellow exhibitors. Banners and table skirts allow you to display your logo and other branding on a large scale.

Leave-Behinds & Swag

Promotional items such as branded tumblers, golf balls, pens and tote bags are excellent for keeping your brand top of mind after the trade show dust has settled. Consider practical items people may use when selecting swag.

How DOJO Creative Can Help

At DOJO Creative, we specialize in helping businesses prepare for trade shows by creating high-quality promotional materials. Our services include:

  • Graphic Design: Our team can create eye-catching business cards, brochures, rack cards and other printed materials that boldly convey your brand’s message.
  • Promotional Items: We can help you select and design the right swag to leave a lasting impression on your audience.
  • Strategic Planning: We work with you to develop a comprehensive trade show strategy, helping you make the most of your participation.

Before you gear up for your next trade show, consider partnering with DOJO Creative for your custom branding and marketing needs.

Contact DOJO Creative partner Doug Elder today at 574-276-4998 or doug@letsgodojo.com to schedule a consultation and learn more about our services!