Why Regular Blogging and Backlinks are Key to Enhancing Your Site’s Performance - DOJO Creative
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Why Regular Blogging and Backlinks are Key to Enhancing Your Site’s Performance

Routine posting through a website’s blog is one of the most effective tools at business’ disposal to boost visibility and industry authority. Each post is a chance for businesses to share knowledge and insights into industry topics while promoting products, services or events, in essence, establishing their own native news outlet.

The data is also supportive: a study of 2,300 HubSpot customers revealed businesses that blog witness their monthly leads rise by 126% more than those who don’t.

At DOJO Creative, we specialize in elevating brands through targeted content marketing strategies, including blogging that helps to drive site traffic through evergreen content and establish businesses as thought leaders.

Here’s why incorporating a blog into your website is a smart business decision — with tips to consider when growing your content strategy — and how DOJO Creative can help amplify your success.

Why Include a Blog on Your Business Website?

Boost SEO

Search engines love fresh content, and blogging is a great way to provide that. Regular posts on your blog give search engines new content to index, which improves your visibility on search engine results pages. Using targeted keywords throughout your blogs will help you rank higher for those terms, drawing more potential customers to your site.

Establish Authority

By covering topics relevant to your industry and offering engaging insights for readers, your blog can position your business as an expert in its field. This builds trust with your audience, which can translate to converting casual visitors into loyal customers.

 Enhance Engagement

Blogs create chances for you to engage with your audience through comments and shares. Each post is an opportunity to connect with potential customers and build relationships that guide them back to your site regularly.

Increase Conversion Rates

Quality blog content can lead to higher conversion rates. By answering common, industry-related questions and providing useful information, you shepherd visitors along the buyer’s journey, often leading them to make a purchase or contact you for more services.

The Importance of Backlinks and a Steady Publishing Cadence

A backlink, sometimes called an inbound or incoming link, is a link from one website to another. In the context of SEO and blogging, backlinks are important because they’re seen as a vote of confidence from one site to another.

Essentially, backlinks to your site are a signal to search engines that others vouch for your content. If several sites link to the same webpage or site, search engines can then deduce the content is worth linking to, and therefore also worth surfacing on a search engine results page.

Here a few tips for boosting your backlink game:

Create Solid Content

The cornerstone of a good backlink strategy is producing content that’s informative, engaging and valuable to your readers. High-quality content can naturally attract backlinks because other sites or social media users will want to share it with their audience.

Guest Blogging

Writing articles for other relevant blogs can be a great way to gain backlinks, providing a direct link from their site to yours and exposing your brand to a broader audience.

Use Strong Visual Content

Be sure to include images or videos that could complement your blog copy and further engage readers.

Conduct a Backlink Analysis of Competitors

Tools such as Ahrefs, Semrush or Moz can be used to identify where competitors are getting their backlinks; this can provide insights into potential opportunities for your own blog and highlight keywords or topics that have been successful for others in your industry.

Broken Link/Outdated Link Building

Seek out outdated content or broken links on sites that are relevant to your content and suggest your blog post as a replacement.

While timely articles and topics can benefit businesses in the short-term, bloggers should consider the long game when selecting topics because factors such as statistics, industry preferences, approaches and technology can quickly change. Be sure to think with an “evergreen” mindset when choosing what to write about as blog posts can continue to attract new leads and customers long after they’re published.

Bloggers should also keep a routine cadence when publishing content, since search engines favor sites that regularly update with fresh content. Regular posting increases the likelihood of producing evergreen content that remains relevant and keeps drawing in site visitors over time.

Why Choose DOJO Creative?

At DOJO Creative, we tailor targeted, engaging and SEO-optimized content strategies for clients that drive site traffic and boost client visibility.

After mining our client’s competitor sites for high-ranking keywords and collaborating with clients in devising a topical direction, our team crafts a custom blogging calendar and content that enhance the client’s voice and reach. Clients are then sent blog drafts for review and are encouraged to note any necessary edits before publication. Once published to the client’s site, blog post URLs can easily be inserted into social media posts (we recommend pushing content to LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and other relevant platforms), newsletters and other secondary channels for greater reach.

Is your site ready for a shot in the arm? Let’s create compelling content together that both resonates with your audience and propels your business forward.

Contact DOJO Creative partner Doug Elder today at 574-276-4998 or doug@letsgodojo.com to schedule a consultation and learn more about our services!