How Many Words Should Your Webpage Have? - DOJO Creative
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How Many Words Should Your Webpage Have?

As content creators, we often focus on creating web pages that are visually captivating and easy to navigate. 

However, it’s imperative to not forget one crucial aspect of a content strategy — word count. The length of copy plays a significant role in determining the performance of our web pages. 

Studies have shown longer articles tend to perform better than shorter ones, in terms of SEO, and increase the time spent by visitors on the page. On the other hand, pages with too many words can be overwhelming and out of context. Finding the right word-count sweet spot is key to a successful web page or blog.

This article delves into the details of word counts, highlighting the ideal and minimum word counts for webpages and blog articles. It also offers an overview of best practices for drafting copy and discusses the importance of quality writing in enhancing page rankings.

Ideal Word Counts for Website Pages and Blog Articles

Website pages should be as long as necessary to deliver the desired message. For instance, a contact page may only require a few sentences, while a landing page may need several hundred words to persuade visitors to take action.

However, as a general rule of thumb, website pages should contain at least 600 words. This length is typically long enough to provide valuable information while still being concise enough to keep visitors engaged.

When creating website pages, it’s essential to balance length and readability. Pages that are too short may not contain enough information to be useful for the user, while pages that are too long may be overwhelming. The ideal length for website pages is a balance of readability and engagement.

How Do Search Engines Consider Word Count of Webpages?

Search engines use sophisticated algorithms to crawl, index and rank webpages based on their content relevance, structure and other factors. While word count is not the only ranking factor search engines consider, it is an essential one. For instance, a webpage’s word count may signal its depth of coverage for a particular topic, increasing its credibility and relevance to search engines.

How Word Count Affects Page Rankings

While there’s no magic number of words for enhancing page rankings, recent HubSpot studies have shown that webpages with between 2,250 and 2,500 words of high-quality content tend to earn the most organic traffic. However, word count alone is not enough to improve rankings. Instead, the quality and relevance of the content are crucial. Low-quality content stuffed with keywords but no information will not rank well.

Why Quality of Writing Matters in Page Ranking

The quality of writing is just as important as the quantity of words. Website visitors want to engage with content that is well-written, informative and easily readable. Weak content that contains errors, poor grammar or spelling or awkward phrasing can negatively impact visitor engagement and lower page rankings.

Besides improving readability and user engagement, well-written content also leads to a better online reputation. When users share and link to valuable content, it signals to search engines that the website provides authoritative content in its niche, leading to higher search engine rankings.

Best Practices for Drafting Copy for Website Pages

To create high-quality webpages, content creators should adhere to these best practices. 

  • Start by researching keywords and understanding user search intent to create content that matches their needs.
  • Use active voice, short sentences, bullet points and headings and subheadings to make the content more readable and scannable.
  • Avoid excessive jargon, complex language or overused marketing phrases, which can turn off readers. Instead, use simple language, avoid buzzwords and phrases and deliver value to the reader in a clear and concise manner.
  • Creators should edit and proofread their content to eliminate grammatical errors and improve clarity and coherence.

How DOJO Creative Can Help

Word count is a critical component of website design and content creation. While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to the ideal word count for webpages and blog articles, creators should consider user needs and search intent. Furthermore, creators must focus on creating high-quality content that engages and informs readers, as search engines reward such content with higher rankings. By following the best practices outlined in this article, creators can improve their chances of delivering compelling, high-quality content that ranks well on search engines and engages users.

At DOJO Creative, we specialize in guiding clients through their website redesign and new builds. Applying our process, we can help you assess your website’s performance, identify areas for improvement and develop a comprehensive strategy for success. Our team can conduct thorough research on your target audience and niche, identify relevant keywords, optimize your site’s structure and content and assist you in achieving higher visibility and lead generation.

Are you mulling over a website redesign for your business or starting from scratch? Have a question about augmenting your current site’s performance but not sure where to start? We want to hear about it.

Contact DOJO Creative partner Doug Elder today at 574-276-4998 or to schedule a consultation and learn more about our services!